Szilvi Német

curator in residence February 2014, Hungary /


The residency stay in Vienna is a handy opportunity to step in the contact zone of the city, exploit its professional – both human and infrastructural – resources, to capture its le dernier cri moments, plus find new tracks for the thought experiences that are lately on my stock.
Recently, my interest is oriented towards human ecology. Namely to look at how in the current state of affairs the very problematic notion of ‘nation state’ exploits on its – most remarkably historically questioned or even expatriated – ‘natural’ assets in order to sow seed of the political ideology of nationalism through various modes of autorepresentation. My research shows up the umbilical attachment of social sciences to natural sciences, the craving need of the former to be credited with the same exactness of methods as the latter, while inevitably falling back to the ‘false bottom’ of metaphysics by drawing on the irrational, mythological character of the nation religion’s ungrounded beliefs.
As a surplus engagement, as the project leader of Crosstalk Video Art Festival, I am more than intrigued to map the local scene’s new media production for future collaborations and artists’ involvement.


Szilvi Német (born 1985, Győr) is a curator, critic and art historian. She defended her MA diploma thesis on ‘Pensive pictures, good bye: landscape as a critical referent in the Hungarian contemporary art (after the Millennium)’ on the Faculty of Art History at the Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest.
Currently she works as project leader at the international Crosstalk Video + Media Art Festival (, manages the artistic program at Higgs Field Contemporary Art Space (, follows up research projects and publishes articles on a regular basis.